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Church Construction Association Kleinenbroich

Image Copyright: B. Schl�ter

The church construction association St. Dionysius was founded in the year 2005. Until now the association was able to raise around EUR 300.000 EUR through membership fees, donations and the initiative of individual clubs. Since the year 2007, our old parish church at the Hochstraße has been fundamentally redeveloped. The redevelopment work is done under the responsibility and management of the parish council.

By transferring the annual contribution of EUR 15 EUR (additional donations are welcome) onto the following bank accounts ...

Raiffeisenbank Gv, Kt.Nr.: 8008186015, BLZ: 37069306
Stadtsparkasse Neuss, Kt.Nr.: 295188, BLZ: 30550000
at the parish office in cash ...

... you become a member of the Kirchenbauverein (church construction association). The parish office will issue a donation receipt for the tax authority by request.

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